Impact of High Probability Selling On My Life

Hi Jacques. A lot has happened in my life since I took your High Probability Prospecting class. I want to say that you’ve made a huge impact on my life and way of thinking. And I thank you for that.

Hi Jacques,

A lot has happened in my life since I took your High Probability Prospecting class.  I want to say that you’ve made a huge impact on my life and way of thinking.  And I thank you for that.

Doing business only with people I trust and respect has been a major piece to increasing my self-confidence and self-respect.  I know it may seem obvious and basic to you, but it was a brand-new concept to me.  It never dawned on me that I had a choice about who I dealt with.  It makes ALL the difference in the world.

Little things like always introducing myself as “Michael Henry” instead of simply “Michael” has definitely caused people to treat me differently.  Every time I hear my business peers introduce themselves only with their first name (which is most of the time) it makes me think of you and your excellent advice.

Using the phone strategies and etiquette that you taught me has made my business calls much more effective, efficient, and productive.  And just like you said, if people realize that I’m genuinely interested in who they are and how they got to where they are in life, they will pour it out.  It’s nothing short of magical.  People tell me all kinds of things about themselves if I just ask and honestly listen.  Jacques, it’s opened up an incredible new world to me!

Understanding — at a deep level — that people only buy what they want (not what they need) has helped me tremendously in dealing with people.  Realizing that a positive mental attitude is bullshit has also helped me chart a course in my life that gets me where I want to go.

Even though I am not currently in a sales position, I am frequently using many of the life philosophy and concepts that you taught me.  I am forever grateful to you for that.

Not a day goes by that I don’t put into action the life philosophy you taught me.  And I’m a much happier, healthier guy because of it.

Michael Henry


Author: Carl Ingalls

Administrator for High Probability Selling Blog

One thought on “Impact of High Probability Selling On My Life”

  1. I agree with Michael’s sentiment. I often read and re-read High Probability Selling, although I’m, not in sales. I use the technology Jacques teaches in the book on my relationships, especially during the seperation from my wife. In using the princples taught in the book, I figured out that I can’t trust my wife even though we’ve been together for 15 years. Her constant unclear, indirect, and “hidden” behavior is NOT what I wanted in a relationship.
    Your book Jacques in a nutshell is “medicine” for faulty transactions and relationships. Your ‘Trust and Respect’ inquiry is an invaluable tool to helping people maintain strong relationships and discard of weak ones. Thank you Jacques for your work. It’s helped me in incalculable ways!

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