Learning The Hard Way-Jerry Rubin’s Story

by Jacques Werth

It was 1995 when business owner Jerry Rubin became a student of High Probability Prospecting.  He immediately valued the course and it’s teaching, but admits to never quite working the program like he was taught.

I would make prospecting calls,” Rubin shares.  “But leads were scarce and hard to come by for my annuities business so I had a very hard time asking for a commitment.  I had a solid fear that I would burn the lead if I asked for one.”

Little by little he “diluted” his opening introduction, moving further and further away from what he was taught.  He started asking “is that something you’re willing to take a look at?” instead of asking “is that something you want?”  Rubin admits that there were many times he drove hours to talk to a lead that was “willing to look at” his material and product, only to drive home empty handed and frustrated.

Everyone is ‘willing to take a look’”, Rubin adds.  “But there’s no commitment in that statement and all I was doing was wasting time and tapping dancing for low probability prospects.”

Rubin’s “ah-HA” moment came years later, and came in the form of a new employee.  As he trained his new hire he remembered the High Probability Selling system and realized the error of his ways.  This new realization was sharpened by the fact he was now paying someone else whether he was making a sale or not.  Rubin witnessed his new hire working HPS the way it should be, asking for commitments from prospects and getting them.

Getting a commitment took on whole new meaning, and the light bulb came on,” Rubin adds.  He took over the reins and started using High Probability Prospecting the way it was designed; asking for the commitment from the leads that were being generated. He immediately saw results and reports he is getting a commitment from 80% of the prospecting calls he makes.

My ah-ha moment helped me line up my internal parts and thoughts and enabled me to do what I should have been doing all along; asking for a commitment, Rubin shares with pride in his voice.  “There’s no way I am going back to my old ways.”



Author: Carl Ingalls

Administrator for High Probability Selling Blog

4 thoughts on “Learning The Hard Way-Jerry Rubin’s Story”

  1. Me and Jerry have something in common – do it my way. It doesn’t work. I’ve read “High Probability Selling” understand it, and have yet to take one of the classes.

    For the same reasons as Jerry I’ve diluted the question to “want to look?” which now I understand also deletes the entire reason for what Jacques Werth has learned and teaches.

    The one thing that’s puzzled me is the question: How do people know? and I realized one day that if you offer me right now a new tool box with a “is that something you want?” I will say no because I don’t. But if you ask me if I want “to look” if I have the time I might with no intention of wanting one.

    So my lesson has been – maybe next time there will be a want so let it go for now and ask again later.



  2. Just curious if Jerry would care to share the what exactly his new hire said that created his “ah ha” moment?

  3. Hi Jay! It wasn’t so much what his new hire “said”, it was more of the realization that he wasn’t “walking his talk.” He was requiring this new hire to get a commitment, yet not doing it himself. -B

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