Giving Something Away – Advice from Jacques Werth

Jacques Werth (founder of High Probability Selling), had this to say about giving away anything of value.

Always make sure that the recipient wants and will value what you give them, before you give it to them.

Don’t assume, ask.

  • Want – Do you want this?
  • Value – If I give this to you, what will you do (with it)?

Many years ago, Jacques was meeting someone in his office, and the conversation soon turned to High Probability Selling.  The visitor saw the book, High Probability Selling and expressed some interest in it.

Jacques asked, “Do you want a copy of that book?”

When the visitor said yes, Jacques asked, “If I give it to you, what will you do?”

The visitor said, “I’ll read it,” so Jacques handed him a brand new copy, no charge.


Author: Carl Ingalls

Administrator for High Probability Selling Blog

2 thoughts on “Giving Something Away – Advice from Jacques Werth”

  1. I can understand how this would make good sense. I’m wondering how this approach – want/value – works in the context of “content marketing.” If I share meaningful content that an “ideal” prospect would want and value, would it draw them to me? Or might I be “wasting” my efforts?

    1. In my opinion, it is very worthwhile to share meaningful content that your ideal prospect is likely to want and value. This increases the probability that they will reach out to you. I also believe that they are even more likely to do that if your meaningful content is presented in an objective and balanced way. For instance, it is more difficult for me to trust someone who is trying to convince me of their point of view by telling me only part of the story.
      Carl Ingalls

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