High Probability Selling Was Discovered, Not Made

Jacques Werth discovered what he later called High Probability Selling (HPS) by observing and documenting what hundreds of highly successful salespeople were doing.  He invented the name, and he invented a way of talking about it and teaching it, and he wrote the book, but he did not invent the method of selling.  It was already out there.  That’s where he found it.

I asked him why he used the phrase “Re-invents the Selling Process” on the cover of his book.  He told me that, at the time, lots of successful authors were saying things like that on their books and it seemed like a good idea.

In those days, Jacques tended to use conventional methods in marketing.  In later years, he moved toward marketing methods that were more compatible with his preferred selling method.

One of the things that distinguishes HPS from other selling methods is that it’s all about discovery—all the way through the entire process.  Discovering a sale, not making one happen.

I see High Probability Selling itself as something to be discovered, not controlled.  That is the way I prefer to work with it.  Learning, talking, and teaching.

Comments and questions are very welcome and appreciated.


What We Believe In – An Intro

This is an overview of the things we Believe In, the fundamental beliefs at the core of High Probability Selling, the things we stand for. Our best customers are the people who share our deepest beliefs.

by Jacques Werth and Carl Ingalls

This is an overview of the things we Believe In, the fundamental beliefs at the core of High Probability Selling, the things we stand for.  Our best customers are the people who share our deepest beliefs.

  • Everyone deserves dignity and self-respect.
  • Honesty really is the best policy.  It is the most reliable strategy for real success.  People who believe this strongly enough make it true.
  • There is abundance in the world, and you will find it if you know how to look.
  • Authenticity is about being what you believe in, not merely acting it out.
  • Success comes from providing value.  We define value as what other people want.
  • Observation overrules logic.  An idea does not have to be logical to be true.  Sometimes the things that work best don’t make sense at first.
  • It’s not magic.  Ordinary people can learn and copy what the most successful people do.  No special mysterious talents are required.

We thank Simon Sinek for his TED talk on How great leaders inspire action, which inspired us to feature “What We Believe In” as a category in this blog.

Jacques Werth and Carl Ingalls