New Workshop on Prospecting with High Probability

This sales training workshop on High Probability Prospecting begins on Tuesday 21 February 2017 and ends on Tuesday 25 April.  It includes 10 group sessions on 10 consecutive Tuesdays, plus 30 minutes of private coaching for each individual.

Group sessions begin at 9:00am USA Eastern Time (same time zone as New York City).  Duration of each group session is 90 minutes to 2 hours.

All group sessions and private sessions are conducted by telephone and recorded, using our teleconference system.  Recordings are sent to the participants.

The price is $1050 USD per student.

High Probability Prospecting is how we find people who want what we are selling, and how we determine the likelihood of doing business with them.  It is a detailed process of how to contact people (reaching out), and how to respond to people who contact us.

The High Probability Prospecting process has been updated to reflect changes in the way people communicate, and especially in the way people use the telephone today.  There are changes in the details of what we do, but the fundamental principles are the same as before.

This workshop will be taught by Paul Bunn, with assistance from Carl Ingalls.

For details or to purchase, please see our webpage about the prospecting workshop, at  You are also welcome to contact us, by calling +1 610-627-9030, or by emailing

Upcoming HPS Workshops:
Chapter 12 Explained (26 Jan 2017, $45)
Prospecting (21 Feb 2017, $1050)

Charisma vs Passion in Selling

Charisma is about charming people.  It is a way of influencing how someone feels about you.  It may be natural, or it may be a technique for getting approval.

Passion (in this context) is how we feel about something we do.  Feeling passion and expressing passion are two very different things.  The first is real, and the second may be an act.  If we are not careful, our expression of passion may be interpreted as an attempt to influence how a prospect feels about what we are selling.

Influencing how a prospect feels is one way to sell.  However, influencing a prospect is not compatible with High Probability Selling.

We teach our students to maintain an objective, neutral, and businesslike manner when selling.  We put our passion and our energy into finding people who want what we are selling and into determining how likely the outcome will turn out the way we want it to.

Upcoming HPS Workshops:
Getting Personal (17 Jan 2017, $245);  Chapter 12 Explained (26 Jan 2017, $45);  Prospecting (21 Feb 2017, $1050)